I Fly Fish - Your complete fly fishing community
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About Us

Iflyfish has been in development for the last three years and is the brain child of some one just like you, someone who loves fly fishing. With the help of website and marketing partners, who knew nothing about Fly Fishing mind you, the iflyfish dream became a commercial reality.

iflyfish is essentially a portal for the flyfishing community to communicate, bond, show off, meet people who share a similar interest. In this busy world time is something may of us don't have so iflyfish has brought together the benefits of the internet, iphones and smart phone technology to create an easy to use website that give you access to your flyfishing information and your friends at the click of a button whenever you need it.

iflyfish is committed to helping the industry of Fly Fishing, we are not a tackle shop, although we will be working with stategic partners from manufactures to tackle stores near you.

We want to showcase the best products from around the world, help you increase your knowledge and experience levels, tell you about great experiences and great places to fish and travel around the world.

iflyfish is also committed to growing fly fishing as a sport increasing the number of kids, teenagers and young adults as well as introducing peopel who just love fishing to fly fishing. This way we help ensure the sport ha a life beyond those who have helped grow it to date.

iflyfish is "your online flyfshing community" so it's success is some what dependant on your interest, your interaction and most important of all, your input.

Try out the Journel, download the app to your iphone, set up your profiles and get involved and iflyfish will be rewarding those that do!


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